CPD in evidence based practice for rehabilitation and sport

Privacy policy


Strength with Science (SwS) is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. This privacy notice explains how we collect information about you and how we process this information.  It applies to information we collect through a number of services, such as: 

  • Visitors to our websites;
  • Individuals who are applying for Jobs
  • Individuals requesting information or making enquiries, reports or complaints;
  • Individuals who use our services, e.g. log on to our portal

Your personal data will be collected by SwS who will act as the Data Controller and will determine the purposes and means of processing that data.

1. The purpose and legal basis of processing your personal data 

See the categories of data the SwS collects:

  • SwS will collect personal data under the terms of a contract for the purpose of your attendance to a lesson/training session
  • In line with company legal obligations to collect and retain personal/sensitive data as part of the recruitment process
  • You may consent for us to collect special categories of data, such as religious information or dietary requirement for the purpose of facilitating your attendance to a lesson or training session.
  • We may collect next-of-kin personal data under your vital interest for the purpose of your safety.
  • We will use opt-in consent to collect your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing.  Once you have opted-in you are free to opt-out at any time using the unsubscribe field in our email communications, through the SwS website or by emailing SwS at info@strenghtwithscience.com  SwS will administer the national marketing do-not-contact lists unless we have your explicit consent for direct marketing.
  • If you purchase a product or service under our legitimate interests we will use your personal data, for the purposes of keeping you informed.  SwS will offer you relevant and further information based upon your perceived interests.  This would include: when you subscribe to our newsletters; when providing feedback to us through our contact forms; when you complete an online survey; or purchase something from us.
  • The SwS website does use cookies and a Cookie Policy is publicly available.

2. The information we collect from you

The types of personal data collected include:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Email
  • Bank or card details (but not CVC / CVV / AVS / AAV numbers).
  • Telephone number
  • National identity and/or driving license
  • Qualification details
  • Learning difficulty, disability or health issue details
  • Employment status details
  • Personal dietary requirements
  • Photographs
  • Gender
  • Ethnic origin
  • Next of kin data
  • DBS certificate details - if applicable

3. Online retention period

  • Enrollment Forms collected under contract, registers of attendance and other course documentation that may contain your personal details (like Discretionary Learner Support applications, Student Learning Records and Individual Learning Plans) will be held for the retention period of 2 years
  • Anonymised quality data may be held indefinitely
  • Marketing data will be held for as long as you want us to, from the moment you opt-in to receive our communications
  • The retention period should be informed by the purpose for which the information is collected and how long it is needed to achieve this purpose.

This does not affect your rights as a user.

4. Failing to provide necessary personal data

Failing to provide some or all the necessary personal data may result in:

  • You not being able to attend a course
  • Not receiving an update on booked courses
  • Not being able to communicate exam results
  • Not being able to communicate personal information over a communication medium
  • Not receiving information on new courses

5. Sharing personal data

We may share your personal data with other organisations in order to provide a product or service you have contracted us for. The SwS has performed due-diligence and holds written contracts and agreement with these organisations to legally safeguard your data.

If you have consented for us to share your data with these organisations for particular purposes, we will keep your consent on record until it is withdrawn. On withdrawal of consent through the SwS, we will endeavour to contact these organisations on your behalf.

6. Use of first and third-party cookies and other Information gathering technologies

Cookies are used to make the site work as you expect it to. It is not personally identifiable to you, but it can be used to give you a more personalised web experience. Because we respect your right to privacy, you can choose to change your privacy preferences to prevent non-essential cookies being set.

Read more about our Cookie Policy.

7. Your rights

Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to request a digital copy of the data that the SwS holds about you. We will use all reasonable efforts to answer any questions or resolve any concerns regarding your privacy promptly. Submit a request to see the data we hold about you